Wednesday, February 11, 2009

House Staging

House Staging is beyond decorating and cleaning. House Staging is about perfecting the art of creating moods. House Staging makes your house look bigger, brighter, cleaner, warmer, more loving and, best of all, it makes home buyers want to buy it. House Staging is what you do after you have cleaned, decluttered, painted, made minor repairs; House Staging is all about dressing the house for sale. House Staging is careful planning and knowing how to professionally spruce up your home and turn it into an irresistible and marketable home. 

The aim of House Staging is to allow potential buyers to walk into the house and have that "this is it, this is home" feeling.  Buyers form an opinion about your house within five seconds of seeing it. Your house is probably your most valuable asset; selling house quickly and for the highest possible price will be high on the list.  House Staging is the art of decorating a home to sell quickly and for top dollar. Recommending wall colors, repairs and de cluttering, arrangement of furniture, art and accessories; professional House Stagers knows what changes yield the greatest return on investment. 

House Staging ensures that your house sells rapidly to your target audience for top dollar. House Staging increases the value of your home, appeals to a broad amount of Buyers and maximizes the positive attributes of a house. House Staging is the only service performed in preparation for selling a house that actually brings measurable value. House Staging secures equity - staged homes sell for more money and have fewer days on the market. House Staging provides a huge edge over the competition in a competitive real estate market. House Staging will bring out the best in your home, whether you are selling your house and need to create the right first impression to achieve a successful sale or staying in your current home and just feel that you need some styling tips. 

House Staging is preparing a house for the real estate market by making all necessary repairs and creating a neutral environment that anyone can visualize living in. House Staging is achieved using techniques such as de cluttering, furniture rearrangement, color correction, careful accessorizing, and highlighting the best assets and architectural features of a house. 

House Staging provides a huge edge over the competition in a competitive real estate market, provides excellent return on the investment in your house, increasing the appeal of each room in print ads and internet photos, and making it more likely that potential buyers who have not seen your home in person will want to do so. House Staging allows potential buyers to imagine themselves living in the house, minimizes the stress of the selling process, showcases the space and features of the house, and maximizes appeal to the largest potential buyer population.

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